A Tutorial For Writing College Admission Essays Like A Professional

Every person that wants to get into college will have to write an admissions essay. Seems like an almost pointlessly obvious thing to say, but just think about what this does to your percentage chance of having yours accepted. College admissions tutors read thousands of essays each year, and many of them are familiar, and, even uninspiring, formulaic. How can you write an essay that demands attention? Follow these guidelines.

Choose Information

Before you begin to write, find out exactly what the institution requires: look at their current students, look at their interests, look at course requirements, overlooking nothing, and select every aspect of your experience that is relevant. Think of a place on a course as having several locked doors, and as the information in your essay as providing the keys in sequence.

Plan Structure

Once you have selected the information then plan your essay in such a way that you are answering the questions asked by the course requirements, and by the person requirements. Plan your attack: which are the main doors? Which needs opening first?

  • Why this school?
  • Why this subject?
  • Why me?
  • What next?

Plan Every Paragraph

You cannot afford to have one single wasted sentence. Once you have decided on the structure, write one sentence for each paragraph. This sentence will tell you exactly what that paragraph needs to say in order to open the doors that you have identified. Do not digress, just see your route and go straight there.

Precise Language

The single most important aspect of your admissions essay, the best way to demonstrate your professional ability, is the precision of your language. Every word must be precisely, exactly deployed, for maximum clarity. You must write, edit, write, edit, write, edit. Every word that feels clumsy or imprecise must be replaced with the more appropriate, informative word. Demonstrate absolute clarity, and an ability to structure your thoughts.

The difference between a poor admissions essay and a good admissions essay is the difference that decides success or failure. The key is clear thought, precise writing, and an obvious understanding of what is required. A professional, above all else, knows what is wanted, and gives exactly that!


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